Identity, Journeys & Journaling

I am so looking forward to meeting everyone at the co/Create workshop for artists and health practitioners interested in the playful and poetic therapeutic intervention of creative journaling.  I decided to be really professional and start preparing for leading the day by making a Power Point Presentation.  However, this is a totally flatpack thinking medium, but decided to stick with it, as a good reflective part of practice which allowed for trawling through an array of lush images of moi, people, place and stories,  The question was how to edit down relevant stories?  Decided this time I would focus on IDENTITY & JOURNEYS, but I forgot to mention that in the joining instructions which Creativity Works have kindly sent out to participants.  Instead, talked about not being able to travel light and packing lots of creative mixed media STUFF to bring to the day, and would folk like to bring STUFF that was relevant to them.  We are meeting at the BRSLI building in Bath, the Lansdowne room, with a giant Dinosaur glued in the wall.  Well, I suppose if the PPP fails, we could use that as a found object to start journaling ideas.  Alternatively, I could reveal a bundle of STUFF from my cloth bag which I took with me on my journeys around the grounds of Lacock Abbey when I was installed as a Sociable Hermit by the National Trust, living inside the wooden enclave of a hut transformed into a Camera Obscura. In going through my project 'legacy' for Curious Narratives, a one year artist-led project, a quest inspired by women storytellers, I found the scroll I had made when evaluating the process, so will take that, as it was an inky reflective storytelling thing what happened on my journey in search of Sybils & Self.


Curious Narratives Scroll